Attributes { CryocoolerData { } Dimensions { } Dimensions_AncFile { UInt32 Size 11; String Description "Number of ancillary input files."; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/AncFile"; } Dimensions_CCIEHdr { UInt32 Size 4; String Description "Crycooler CCIE Command Header."; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/CCIEHdr"; } Dimensions_CCIEPrm { UInt32 Size 4; String Description "Crycooler CCIE Parameter Header."; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/CCIEPrm"; } Dimensions_Echo { UInt32 Size 16; String Description "Commands/Errors reported in command/error history"; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/Echo"; } Dimensions_FPAColor { UInt32 Size 1024; String Description "Index of raw color pixel."; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/FPAColor"; } Dimensions_Frame { UInt32 Size 113; String Description "Index of frame in granule."; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/Frame"; } Dimensions_Gap { UInt32 Size 1; String Description "Number of gaps."; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/Gap"; } Dimensions_Heater { UInt32 Size 8; String Description "Heater index."; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/Heater"; } Dimensions_InputPtr { UInt32 Size 4; String Description "Number of primary input files."; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/InputPtr"; } Dimensions_Line { UInt32 Size 440; String Description "Single pixel pedestal and integrated together"; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/Line"; } Dimensions_O2Slice { UInt32 Size 20; String Description "Index of stripe pixel for O2 channel."; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/O2Slice"; } Dimensions_Second { UInt32 Size 16; String Description "Time_tai93s."; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/Second"; } Dimensions_Sounding { UInt32 Size 8; String Description "Index of downlinked sounding in granule."; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/Sounding"; } Dimensions_SoundingPosition { UInt32 Size 8; String Description "Position of the soundings."; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/SoundingPosition"; } Dimensions_Spare { UInt32 Size 90; String Description "Spare"; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/Spare"; } Dimensions_SpatialRow { UInt32 Size 220; String Description "Index of raw spatial pixel."; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/SpatialRow"; } Dimensions_Spectrum { UInt32 Size 3; String Description "Spectrum index (O2, weak CO2, strong CO2)."; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/Spectrum"; } Dimensions_StrongCO2Slice { UInt32 Size 20; String Description "Index of stripe pixel for strong CO2 channel."; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/StrongCO2Slice"; } Dimensions_WeakCO2Slice { UInt32 Size 20; String Description "Index of stripe pixel for weak CO2 channel."; String fullnamepath "/Dimensions/WeakCO2Slice"; } EngineeringData { } FrameConfiguration { } FrameFPATemperatures { } FrameHeader { } FrameSampleMeasurements { } Metadata { } Shapes { } Shapes_AncFile_Array { UInt32 Rank 1; String Dimensions "AncFile"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/AncFile_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_Array { UInt32 Rank 1; String Dimensions "Frame"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_CCIEHdr_Array { UInt32 Rank 2; String Dimensions "Frame", "CCIEHdr"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_CCIEHdr_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_CCIEPrm_Array { UInt32 Rank 2; String Dimensions "Frame", "CCIEPrm"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_CCIEPrm_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_Echo_Array { UInt32 Rank 2; String Dimensions "Frame", "Echo"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_Echo_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_Heater_Array { UInt32 Rank 2; String Dimensions "Frame", "Heater"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_Heater_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_O2Slice_Array { UInt32 Rank 2; String Dimensions "Frame", "O2Slice"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_O2Slice_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_O2Slice_SpatialRow_Array { UInt32 Rank 3; String Dimensions "Frame", "O2Slice", "SpatialRow"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_O2Slice_SpatialRow_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_O2SpatialRow_FPAColor_Array { UInt32 Rank 3; String Dimensions "Frame", "SpatialRow", "FPAColor"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_O2SpatialRow_FPAColor_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_Second_Array { UInt32 Rank 2; String Dimensions "Frame", "Second"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_Second_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_SoundingPosition_Spectrum_Array { UInt32 Rank 3; String Dimensions "Frame", "SoundingPosition", "Spectrum"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_SoundingPosition_Spectrum_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_Sounding_Array { UInt32 Rank 2; String Dimensions "Frame", "Sounding"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_Sounding_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_Sounding_FPAColor_Array { UInt32 Rank 3; String Dimensions "Frame", "Sounding", "FPAColor"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_Sounding_FPAColor_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_Sounding_Spectrum_Array { UInt32 Rank 3; String Dimensions "Frame", "Sounding", "Spectrum"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_Sounding_Spectrum_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_Spare_Array { UInt32 Rank 2; String Dimensions "Frame", "Spare"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_Spare_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_Spectrum_Array { UInt32 Rank 2; String Dimensions "Frame", "Spectrum"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_Spectrum_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_Spectrum_Line_Array { UInt32 Rank 3; String Dimensions "Frame", "Spectrum", "Line"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_Spectrum_Line_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_StrongCO2Slice_Array { UInt32 Rank 2; String Dimensions "Frame", "StrongCO2Slice"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_StrongCO2Slice_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_StrongCO2Slice_SpatialRow_Array { UInt32 Rank 3; String Dimensions "Frame", "StrongCO2Slice", "SpatialRow"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_StrongCO2Slice_SpatialRow_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_StrongCO2SpatialRow_FPAColor_Array { UInt32 Rank 3; String Dimensions "Frame", "SpatialRow", "FPAColor"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_StrongCO2SpatialRow_FPAColor_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_WeakCO2Slice_Array { UInt32 Rank 2; String Dimensions "Frame", "WeakCO2Slice"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_WeakCO2Slice_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_WeakCO2Slice_SpatialRow_Array { UInt32 Rank 3; String Dimensions "Frame", "WeakCO2Slice", "SpatialRow"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_WeakCO2Slice_SpatialRow_Array"; } Shapes_Frame_WeakCO2SpatialRow_FPAColor_Array { UInt32 Rank 3; String Dimensions "Frame", "SpatialRow", "FPAColor"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Frame_WeakCO2SpatialRow_FPAColor_Array"; } Shapes_Gap_Array { UInt32 Rank 1; String Dimensions "Gap"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Gap_Array"; } Shapes_InputPtr_Array { UInt32 Rank 1; String Dimensions "InputPtr"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/InputPtr_Array"; } Shapes_Scalar { UInt32 Rank 0; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Scalar"; } Shapes_SoundingPosition_Array { UInt32 Rank 1; String Dimensions "SoundingPosition"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/SoundingPosition_Array"; } Shapes_Spectrum_Array { UInt32 Rank 1; String Dimensions "Spectrum"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Spectrum_Array"; } Shapes_Spectrum_Sounding_Array { UInt32 Rank 2; String Dimensions "Spectrum", "Sounding"; String fullnamepath "/Shapes/Spectrum_Sounding_Array"; } SmoothedTemps { } CryocoolerData_i_cry_acel_ovrld { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Accelerometer Overload State: 0 - No Overload, 1 - Overload"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_acel_ovrld"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_acel_ovrld"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_amp_tmp_trp_hi { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "CCE Amplifier Temperature Trip High: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_amp_tmp_trp_hi"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_amp_tmp_trp_hi"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_amp_tmp_trp_lo { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "CCE Amplifier Temperature Trip Low: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_amp_tmp_trp_lo"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_amp_tmp_trp_lo"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_ampctrl_enb { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Amp Control Enabled: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_ampctrl_enb"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_ampctrl_enb"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_auto_frz_enb { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Automatic Freeze Enabled: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_auto_frz_enb"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_auto_frz_enb"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_avg_cur1n { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Amperes"; String Description "60V bus current, side 1"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_avg_cur1n"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_avg_cur1n"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_avg_cur1p { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Amperes"; String Description "60V bus current, side 1"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_avg_cur1p"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_avg_cur1p"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_avg_cur2n { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Amperes"; String Description "60V bus current, side 2"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_avg_cur2n"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_avg_cur2n"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_avg_cur2p { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Amperes"; String Description "60V bus current, side 2"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_avg_cur2p"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_avg_cur2p"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_bad_cmd_val { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Illegal command data value: 0 - Not illegal, 1 - Bad command value"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_bad_cmd_val"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_bad_cmd_val"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_bad_frq_val { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Illegal frequency value: 0 - No fault, 1 - Bad frequency value"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_bad_frq_val"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_bad_frq_val"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_bus_60v_err { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Bus 60V Dropout Error: 0 - No fault, 1 - Fault"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_bus_60v_err"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_bus_60v_err"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cage_cmd_event { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Cage Command Default Case Statement"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_cage_cmd_event"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cage_cmd_event"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cage_rly_st_0 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Cage Relay State Bit 0 value"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_cage_rly_st_0"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cage_rly_st_0"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cage_rly_st_1 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Cage Relay State Bit 1 value"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_cage_rly_st_1"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cage_rly_st_1"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cage_state { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Cage State: 0 - Not caged, 1 - Caged"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_cage_state"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cage_state"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cca_tmp_rate { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius Minute^{-1}"; String Description "CCA Temperature Rate"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_cca_tmp_rate"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cca_tmp_rate"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cce_5v_mon { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "5V Monitor Output from CCE"; String Type "Signed8"; String origname "i_cry_cce_5v_mon"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cce_5v_mon"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cce_amp_temp { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Kelvins"; String Description "Temperature at power amplifier"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_cce_amp_temp"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cce_amp_temp"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cce_chksum { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Cryocooler CCE Packet Checksum"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "i_cry_cce_chksum"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cce_chksum"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cce_cvtr_temp { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Kelvins"; String Description "Temperature at DC converter"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_cce_cvtr_temp"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cce_cvtr_temp"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cce_fault_out { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Fault Output from CCE"; String Type "Signed8"; String origname "i_cry_cce_fault_out"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cce_fault_out"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cce_pwr_enb { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Power Input to CCE: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Signed8"; String origname "i_cry_cce_pwr_enb"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cce_pwr_enb"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cce_safehold_input { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Safe/Hold Input to CCE"; String Type "Signed8"; String origname "i_cry_cce_safehold_input"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cce_safehold_input"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cce_tmp_rate { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius Minute^{-1}"; String Description "CCE Temperature Rate"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_cce_tmp_rate"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cce_tmp_rate"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_ccie_bcmd_cntr { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "CCIE Bad Command Counter"; String Type "Signed16"; String origname "i_cry_ccie_bcmd_cntr"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_ccie_bcmd_cntr"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_ccie_cmd_cntr { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "CCIE Command Counter"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "i_cry_ccie_cmd_cntr"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_ccie_cmd_cntr"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_ccie_cmd_hdr { String Shape "Frame_CCIEHdr_Array"; String Description "CCIE Command Header"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "i_cry_ccie_cmd_hdr"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_ccie_cmd_hdr"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_ccie_msg_pntr { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "CCIE Message Buffer Pointer"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_ccie_msg_pntr"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_ccie_msg_pntr"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_ccie_param { String Shape "Frame_CCIEPrm_Array"; String Description "CCIE Parameter Header"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "i_cry_ccie_param"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_ccie_param"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cdhd_tmp_hi { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Cold Head Temperature Trip High: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Cold Head temp tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_cdhd_tmp_hi"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cdhd_tmp_hi"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cdhd_tmp_lo { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Cold Head Temperature Trip Low: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Cold Head temp tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_cdhd_tmp_lo"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cdhd_tmp_lo"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cdhd_tmp_rate { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius Minute^{-1}"; String Description "Cold Head Temperature Rate"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_cdhd_tmp_rate"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cdhd_tmp_rate"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_ch_temp { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Kelvins"; String Description "Cold Head Temperature"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_ch_temp"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_ch_temp"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_chdh_tr_enb { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Cold Head Trip Enabled: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_chdh_tr_enb"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_chdh_tr_enb"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cmd_cnt { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Command and Error Counters"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "i_cry_cmd_cnt"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cmd_cnt"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cmd_def_case { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Execute Command Default Case: 0 - No fault, 1 - Fault"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_cmd_def_case"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cmd_def_case"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cmd_echo_enb { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Auto Command Echo Enable Status: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_cmd_echo_enb"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cmd_echo_enb"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cmd_state_event { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Command State Default Case Event"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_cmd_state_event"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cmd_state_event"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cmp_trp_hi { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Compressor Trip High: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_cmp_trp_hi"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cmp_trp_hi"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cmp_trp_lo { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Compressor Trip Low: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_cmp_trp_lo"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cmp_trp_lo"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_conv_tmp_trp_hi { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "CCE Converter Temperature Trip High: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_conv_tmp_trp_hi"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_conv_tmp_trp_hi"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_conv_tmp_trp_lo { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "CCE Converter Temperature Trip Low: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_conv_tmp_trp_lo"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_conv_tmp_trp_lo"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_cp_temp { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Kelvins"; String Description "Reject Temperature"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_cp_temp"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_cp_temp"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_csync_ctrl { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "CSYNC Control Enabled: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_csync_ctrl"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_csync_ctrl"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_csync_ctrl_bit_0x00 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "CSYNC Control Bit 0x00 value: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_csync_ctrl_bit_0x00"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_csync_ctrl_bit_0x00"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_csync_ctrl_bit_0x01 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "CSYNC Control Bit 0x01 value: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_csync_ctrl_bit_0x01"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_csync_ctrl_bit_0x01"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_csync_ctrl_bit_0x02 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "CSYNC Control Bit 0x02 value: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_csync_ctrl_bit_0x02"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_csync_ctrl_bit_0x02"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_csync_ctrl_bit_0x7e { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "CSYNC Control Bit 0x7E value: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_csync_ctrl_bit_0x7e"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_csync_ctrl_bit_0x7e"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_csync_ctrl_bit_0x7f { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "CSYNC Control Bit 0x7F value: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_csync_ctrl_bit_0x7f"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_csync_ctrl_bit_0x7f"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_csync_enb { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "CSYNC Enable Status: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_csync_enb"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_csync_enb"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_dc_offseta { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Current DC control value for compressor side A"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_dc_offseta"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_dc_offseta"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_dc_offsetb { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Current DC control value for compressor side B"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_dc_offsetb"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_dc_offsetb"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_dcoffset_lp { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "DC Offset Loop State: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_dcoffset_lp"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_dcoffset_lp"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_del_sig_over { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Delta Sigma Input Overload: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_del_sig_over"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_del_sig_over"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_eeprom_wrt_err { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "EEPROM Write Error: 0 - No fault, 1 - Fault"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_eeprom_wrt_err"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_eeprom_wrt_err"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_ext_trip { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "External Trip: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_ext_trip"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_ext_trip"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_extsafe_enb { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "External Safehold Enable Status: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_extsafe_enb"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_extsafe_enb"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_fail_prm_cage_cmd { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Primary Logic for Caging: 0 - OK, 1 - Failed"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_fail_prm_cage_cmd"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_fail_prm_cage_cmd"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_fail_prm_ucage_cmd { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Primary Logic for Uncaging: 0 - OK, 1 - Failed"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_fail_prm_ucage_cmd"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_fail_prm_ucage_cmd"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_fail_red_cage_cmd { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Redundant Logic for Caging: 0 - OK, 1 - Failed"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_fail_red_cage_cmd"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_fail_red_cage_cmd"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_fail_red_ucage_cmd { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Redundant Logic for Uncaging: 0 - OK, 1 - Failed"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_fail_red_ucage_cmd"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_fail_red_ucage_cmd"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_frz_wave_st { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Frozen Wave State: 0 - Vibration control not currently frozen, 1 - Vibration control frozen"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_frz_wave_st"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_frz_wave_st"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_harm_trp { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Individual Harmonic Trip State: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_harm_trp"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_harm_trp"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_hk_mgr_event { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "HK Manager Default Case Event"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_hk_mgr_event"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_hk_mgr_event"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_hrm_vibe { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Microns Second^{-2}"; String Description "Total Harmonic Vibration Output: RSS of all individual harmonics"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_hrm_vibe"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_hrm_vibe"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_isr_time_err { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "ISR Timing Error: 0 - No fault, 1 - Fault"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_isr_time_err"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_isr_time_err"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_isr_tlm_event { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "ISR Telemetry Default Case Event"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_isr_tlm_event"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_isr_tlm_event"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_isr_vib_event { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "ISR Vibration Default Case Event"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_isr_vib_event"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_isr_vib_event"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_m12v_supply { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "-12V supply"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_m12v_supply"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_m12v_supply"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_m12v_supply_d { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "-12V supply"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_m12v_supply_d"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_m12v_supply_d"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_max_drv_lmt { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Maximum drive limit reached: 0 - Not over limit, 1 - Limit reached"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_max_drv_lmt"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_max_drv_lmt"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_mode_state { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Mode State: 0 - Standby Mode, 1 - Normal Mode"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_mode_state"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_mode_state"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_motor_drive { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Current command operating drive"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_motor_drive"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_motor_drive"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_mtr_pwra { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Watts"; String Description "Side A Motor Power"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_mtr_pwra"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_mtr_pwra"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_mtr_pwrb { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Watts"; String Description "Side B Motor Power"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_mtr_pwrb"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_mtr_pwrb"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_neg_cur_trp_a { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Negative Overcurrent Trip Side A: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_neg_cur_trp_a"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_neg_cur_trp_a"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_neg_cur_trp_b { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Negative Overcurrent Trip Side B: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_neg_cur_trp_b"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_neg_cur_trp_b"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_ovrcur_enb { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Overcurrent Enable Status: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_ovrcur_enb"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_ovrcur_enb"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_ovrcur_trip { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Overcurrent Trip: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_ovrcur_trip"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_ovrcur_trip"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_p12v_supply { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "+12V supply"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_p12v_supply"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_p12v_supply"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_p5v_supply { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "+5V supply"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_p5v_supply"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_p5v_supply"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_p60v_supply { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "+60V supply"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_p60v_supply"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_p60v_supply"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_p_chksum { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Cryocooler (CCE and CCIE) Packet Checksum"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "i_cry_p_chksum"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_p_chksum"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_pos_cur_trp_a { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Positive Overcurrent Trip Side A: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_pos_cur_trp_a"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_pos_cur_trp_a"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_pos_cur_trp_b { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Positive Overcurrent Trip Side B: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_pos_cur_trp_b"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_pos_cur_trp_b"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_prt_fine_coarse { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Degree of stability of the cold head temperature (I_CRY_CH_TEMP): 0 - cold head is well outside the cold head setpoint, 1 - cold head is maintaining good stability and control, "; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_prt_fine_coarse"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_prt_fine_coarse"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_prt_sel { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "PRT Sensor Selected: 0 - Primary, 1 - Redundant"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_prt_sel"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_prt_sel"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_safehold_trip { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Safehold Trip: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_safehold_trip"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_safehold_trip"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_spare_822 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Spare bit value, IHK byte 822, bit 4"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_spare_822"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_spare_822"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_spare_824_3 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Spare bits value, IHK byte 824, bit 3"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_spare_824_3"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_spare_824_3"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_spare_824_67 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Spare bits value, IHK byte 824, bits 6-7"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_spare_824_67"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_spare_824_67"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_spare_830 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Spare bytes value, IHK byte 830, bits 1-7"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_spare_830"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_spare_830"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_spare_838 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Spare bytes value, IHK bytes 838-839"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "i_cry_spare_838"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_spare_838"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_spare_840 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Spare bytes value, IHK bytes 840-841"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "i_cry_spare_840"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_spare_840"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_spare_842 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Spare bytes value, IHK bytes 842-843"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "i_cry_spare_842"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_spare_842"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_spare_887 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Spare bits value, IHK byte 887, bit 7"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_spare_887"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_spare_887"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_spares { String Shape "Frame_Spare_Array"; String Description "Cryocooler spare values, IHK bytes 712-801"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_spares"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_spares"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_sw_cur_enb { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Software Current Enable Status: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_sw_cur_enb"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_sw_cur_enb"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_sw_trip { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Software Trip: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_sw_trip"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_sw_trip"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_temp_trp_enb { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Temperature Trip Enable Status: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_temp_trp_enb"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_temp_trp_enb"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_timer_lsw { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Value of least significant two bytes of timer"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "i_cry_timer_lsw"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_timer_lsw"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_timer_msw { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Value of most significant two bytes of timer"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "i_cry_timer_msw"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_timer_msw"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_tlm_conv_err_hi { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Telemetry Conversion Error High"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_tlm_conv_err_hi"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_tlm_conv_err_hi"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_tlm_conv_err_lo { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Telemetry Conversion Error Low"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_tlm_conv_err_lo"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_tlm_conv_err_lo"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_tmp_loop_st { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Temperature Loop State: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_tmp_loop_st"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_tmp_loop_st"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_unk_cage_cmd { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Unknown Cage Command"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_unk_cage_cmd"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_unk_cage_cmd"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_vib_01 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Microns Second^{-2}"; String Description "Vibration Magnitude for First Harmonic"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "i_cry_vib_01"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_vib_01"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_vib_auto { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Vibration Input Auto Phase Control: 0 - Not Auto, 1 - Auto Phase"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_vib_auto"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_vib_auto"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_vib_on_enb { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Vibration Loop Enabled: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_vib_on_enb"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_vib_on_enb"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_vib_trip { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Vibration Trip: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_vib_trip"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_vib_trip"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_vib_trp_enb { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Vibration Trip Enable Status: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_vib_trp_enb"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_vib_trp_enb"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_wave_update_enb { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Wave Update Enable Status: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_wave_update_enb"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_wave_update_enb"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_wtchdog_enb { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Watchdog Enable Status: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_wtchdog_enb"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_wtchdog_enb"; } CryocoolerData_i_cry_wtchdog_trip { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Watchdog Trip: 0 - Not tripped, 1 - Tripped"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "i_cry_wtchdog_trip"; String fullnamepath "/CryocoolerData/i_cry_wtchdog_trip"; } EngineeringData_adc_ref_volt { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "ADC Reference Voltage monitor"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "adc_ref_volt"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/adc_ref_volt"; } EngineeringData_adc_volt_5a { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "ADC Analog 5VDC monitor"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "adc_volt_5a"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/adc_volt_5a"; } EngineeringData_adc_volt_5d { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "ADC Digital 5VDC monitor"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "adc_volt_5d"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/adc_volt_5d"; } EngineeringData_afe1_power_state { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "AFE #1 Power: 0 - Off, 1 = On"; String Type "Signed8"; String origname "afe1_power_state"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/afe1_power_state"; } EngineeringData_afe2_power_state { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "AFE #2 Power: 0 - Off, 1 = On"; String Type "Signed8"; String origname "afe2_power_state"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/afe2_power_state"; } EngineeringData_afe3_power_state { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "AFE #3 Power: 0 - Off, 1 = On"; String Type "Signed8"; String origname "afe3_power_state"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/afe3_power_state"; } EngineeringData_analog_supp_volt_n5 { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "Negative 5VDC analog voltage"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "analog_supp_volt_n5"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/analog_supp_volt_n5"; } EngineeringData_analog_supp_volt_p5 { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "Positive 5VDC analog voltage"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "analog_supp_volt_p5"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/analog_supp_volt_p5"; } EngineeringData_cal_door_pos_coarse { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 360.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees"; String Description "Position of calibration door in degrees from the Lamp/Closed position"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "cal_door_pos_coarse"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/cal_door_pos_coarse"; } EngineeringData_cal_door_pos_n_steps { UInt16 Minimum 0; UInt16 Maximum 65535; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Position of calibration door given in number of steps since last reset"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "cal_door_pos_n_steps"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/cal_door_pos_n_steps"; } EngineeringData_cal_door_total_steps { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Total number of steps that the cal door has been commanded to move since system boot (may wrap from 65535 to 0)"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "cal_door_total_steps"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/cal_door_total_steps"; } EngineeringData_cal_motor_power_state { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "CAL_MOTOR state: 0 - Off, 1 - On"; String Type "Signed8"; String origname "cal_motor_power_state"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/cal_motor_power_state"; } EngineeringData_cmd_flag_history { String Shape "Frame_Echo_Array"; String Description "Second command words for commands reported in command history"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "cmd_flag_history"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/cmd_flag_history"; } EngineeringData_cmd_id_history { String Shape "Frame_Echo_Array"; String Description "Command IDs for commands reported in command history"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "cmd_id_history"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/cmd_id_history"; } EngineeringData_cmd_msn_history { String Shape "Frame_Echo_Array"; String Description "Message Sequence Numbers for commands reported in command history"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "cmd_msn_history"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/cmd_msn_history"; } EngineeringData_control_flags_ic { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Bit flag reporting IC control flags"; String Type "IntBitfield8"; String origname "control_flags_ic"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/control_flags_ic"; } EngineeringData_current_winding { Byte Minimum 0; Byte Maximum 2; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Current winding in use: 0=Primary, 1=Backup"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "current_winding"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/current_winding"; } EngineeringData_digital_supp_volt_n12 { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "Negative 12VDC voltage monitor"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "digital_supp_volt_n12"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/digital_supp_volt_n12"; } EngineeringData_dp_volt_p5 { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "Positive 5VDC digital processor voltage"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "dp_volt_p5"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/dp_volt_p5"; } EngineeringData_dpp_power_state { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Digital Processor power state: 0 - Off, 1 - On"; String Type "Signed8"; String origname "dpp_power_state"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/dpp_power_state"; } EngineeringData_dsub_volt { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "DSUB voltage monitor"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "dsub_volt"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/dsub_volt"; } EngineeringData_engineering_time_string { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Time the IHK packet was generated (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmZ)"; String Type "FixLenStr"; String origname "engineering_time_string"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/engineering_time_string"; } EngineeringData_err_count { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Accumulated error count"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "err_count"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/err_count"; } EngineeringData_err_id_history { String Shape "Frame_Echo_Array"; String Description "Error IDs for errors reported in error history"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "err_id_history"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/err_id_history"; } EngineeringData_err_time_history { String Shape "Frame_Echo_Array"; String Description "Error times (in seconds) for errors reported in error history"; String Type "Unsigned32"; String origname "err_time_history"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/err_time_history"; } EngineeringData_firmware_version_dp0 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "DP0 Firmware Version"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "firmware_version_dp0"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/firmware_version_dp0"; } EngineeringData_firmware_version_dp1 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "DP1 Firmware Version"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "firmware_version_dp1"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/firmware_version_dp1"; } EngineeringData_firmware_version_dp2 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "DP2 Firmware Version"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "firmware_version_dp2"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/firmware_version_dp2"; } EngineeringData_firmware_version_ic { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "IC Firmware Version"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "firmware_version_ic"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/firmware_version_ic"; } EngineeringData_gnd_volt { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "GND voltage monitor"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "gnd_volt"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/gnd_volt"; } EngineeringData_heater_state_history { Byte Minimum 0; Byte Maximum 255; String Shape "Frame_Second_Array"; String Description "On/Off status for all 8 heaters between now and 15 seconds ago"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "heater_state_history"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/heater_state_history"; } EngineeringData_heater_turn_off_set_point { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Heater_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature at which heaters are turned off (1 for each of 8 heaters)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "heater_turn_off_set_point"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/heater_turn_off_set_point"; } EngineeringData_heater_turn_on_set_point { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Heater_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature at which heaters are turned on (1 for each of 8 heaters)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "heater_turn_on_set_point"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/heater_turn_on_set_point"; } EngineeringData_hk_volt_offset { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "Controller Expansion ADC zero (offset)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "hk_volt_offset"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/hk_volt_offset"; } EngineeringData_lamp1_monitor { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "Lamp #1 voltage monitor"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "lamp1_monitor"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/lamp1_monitor"; } EngineeringData_lamp1_power_state { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Lamp #1 power state: 0 - Off, 1 - On"; String Type "Signed8"; String origname "lamp1_power_state"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/lamp1_power_state"; } EngineeringData_lamp2_monitor { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "Lamp #2 voltage monitor"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "lamp2_monitor"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/lamp2_monitor"; } EngineeringData_lamp2_power_state { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Lamp #2 power state: 0 - Off, 1 - On"; String Type "Signed8"; String origname "lamp2_power_state"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/lamp2_power_state"; } EngineeringData_lamp3_monitor { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "Lamp #3 voltage monitor"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "lamp3_monitor"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/lamp3_monitor"; } EngineeringData_lamp3_power_state { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Lamp #3 power state: 0 - Off, 1 - On"; String Type "Signed8"; String origname "lamp3_power_state"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/lamp3_power_state"; } EngineeringData_logic_volt { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "RS422 logic 5VDC monitor"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "logic_volt"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/logic_volt"; } EngineeringData_logic_volt_p5 { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "Positive 5VDC logic voltage"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "logic_volt_p5"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/logic_volt_p5"; } EngineeringData_memory_test_status { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Memory Test status byte"; String Type "IntBitfield8"; String origname "memory_test_status"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/memory_test_status"; } EngineeringData_mode_dp0 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Instrument DP0 Mode"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "mode_dp0"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/mode_dp0"; } EngineeringData_mode_dp1 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Instrument DP1 Mode"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "mode_dp1"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/mode_dp1"; } EngineeringData_mode_dp2 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Instrument DP2 Mode"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "mode_dp2"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/mode_dp2"; } EngineeringData_mode_ic { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Instrument IC Mode"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "mode_ic"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/mode_ic"; } EngineeringData_motor_winding_spare { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Spare telemetry value"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "motor_winding_spare"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/motor_winding_spare"; } EngineeringData_spare_ihk_byte186 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Spare value from byte 186 in the IHK packet header"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "spare_ihk_byte186"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/spare_ihk_byte186"; } EngineeringData_spare_ihk_byte187 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Spare value from byte 187 in the IHK packet header"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "spare_ihk_byte187"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/spare_ihk_byte187"; } EngineeringData_spare_ihk_byte890 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Spare value from bytes 890-891 in the IHK packet header"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "spare_ihk_byte890"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/spare_ihk_byte890"; } EngineeringData_spare_ihk_byte892 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Spare value from byte 892 in the IHK packet header"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "spare_ihk_byte892"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/spare_ihk_byte892"; } EngineeringData_temp_afe_cryocooler_tz2 { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of AFE/Cryocooler, Thermal Zone 2"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_afe_cryocooler_tz2"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_afe_cryocooler_tz2"; } EngineeringData_temp_afe_cryocooler_tz2b { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of AFE/Cryocooler, Thermal Zone 2B (Backup for TZ2)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_afe_cryocooler_tz2b"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_afe_cryocooler_tz2b"; } EngineeringData_temp_afe_electronics_enclosure { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of AFE Electronics Enclosure"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_afe_electronics_enclosure"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_afe_electronics_enclosure"; } EngineeringData_temp_baffle_flange { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Baffle Flange"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_baffle_flange"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_baffle_flange"; } EngineeringData_temp_cal_door_motor_tz4 { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Calibration Door Motor, Thermal Zone 4"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_cal_door_motor_tz4"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_cal_door_motor_tz4"; } EngineeringData_temp_cal_door_redundant { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of redundant sensor for the Calibration Door Motor, Thermal Zone 4B (Backup for TZ4)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_cal_door_redundant"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_cal_door_redundant"; } EngineeringData_temp_cal_resistor1_dn { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "DN"; String Description "Data number value of reference resistor 1"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "temp_cal_resistor1_dn"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_cal_resistor1_dn"; } EngineeringData_temp_cal_resistor2_dn { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "DN"; String Description "Data number value of reference resistor 2"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "temp_cal_resistor2_dn"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_cal_resistor2_dn"; } EngineeringData_temp_cal_resistor3_dn { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "DN"; String Description "Data number value of reference resistor 3"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "temp_cal_resistor3_dn"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_cal_resistor3_dn"; } EngineeringData_temp_cal_resistor4_dn { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "DN"; String Description "Data number value of reference resistor 4"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "temp_cal_resistor4_dn"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_cal_resistor4_dn"; } EngineeringData_temp_cal_resistor5_dn { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "DN"; String Description "Data number value of reference resistor 5"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "temp_cal_resistor5_dn"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_cal_resistor5_dn"; } EngineeringData_temp_cal_resistor6_dn { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "DN"; String Description "Data number value of reference resistor 6"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "temp_cal_resistor6_dn"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_cal_resistor6_dn"; } EngineeringData_temp_cryocooler_radiator { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Cryocooler radiator"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_cryocooler_radiator"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_cryocooler_radiator"; } EngineeringData_temp_fpa_aband_tz5 { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of FPA ABO2, Thermal Zone 5"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_fpa_aband_tz5"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_fpa_aband_tz5"; } EngineeringData_temp_fpa_aband_tz5b { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of FPA ABO2, Thermal Zone 5B (Backup for TZ5)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_fpa_aband_tz5b"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_fpa_aband_tz5b"; } EngineeringData_temp_fpa_strong_co2 { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of FPA SCO2"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_fpa_strong_co2"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_fpa_strong_co2"; } EngineeringData_temp_fpa_weak_co2 { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of FPA WCO2"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_fpa_weak_co2"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_fpa_weak_co2"; } EngineeringData_temp_instrument_deck { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Instrument Deck (positive X-positive Y surface)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_instrument_deck"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_instrument_deck"; } EngineeringData_temp_optical_bench_grating_mz { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Optical Bench Grating (minus Z)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_optical_bench_grating_mz"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_optical_bench_grating_mz"; } EngineeringData_temp_optical_bench_grating_pz { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Optical Bench Grating (positive Z)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_optical_bench_grating_pz"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_optical_bench_grating_pz"; } EngineeringData_temp_optical_bench_mount_my { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Optical Bench Mount (minus Y)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_optical_bench_mount_my"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_optical_bench_mount_my"; } EngineeringData_temp_optical_bench_mount_my_tz3 { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Optical Bench Mount (minus Y), Thermal Zone 3"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_optical_bench_mount_my_tz3"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_optical_bench_mount_my_tz3"; } EngineeringData_temp_optical_bench_mount_px { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Optical Bench Mount (positive X)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_optical_bench_mount_px"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_optical_bench_mount_px"; } EngineeringData_temp_recollimator { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Recollimator"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_recollimator"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_recollimator"; } EngineeringData_temp_relay_sco2_mz { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Relay SCO2 (minus Z)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_relay_sco2_mz"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_relay_sco2_mz"; } EngineeringData_temp_relay_sco2_pz { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Relay SCO2 (positive Z)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_relay_sco2_pz"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_relay_sco2_pz"; } EngineeringData_temp_rem_bottom { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of REM Bottom"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_rem_bottom"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_rem_bottom"; } EngineeringData_temp_rem_top { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of REM Top"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_rem_top"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_rem_top"; } EngineeringData_temp_shroud_mx_tz6 { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Shroud (minus X), Thermal Zone 6"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_shroud_mx_tz6"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_shroud_mx_tz6"; } EngineeringData_temp_shroud_my_pz { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Shroud (minus Y-positve Z)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_shroud_my_pz"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_shroud_my_pz"; } EngineeringData_temp_shroud_py_mz { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Shroud (positive Y-minus Z)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_shroud_py_mz"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_shroud_py_mz"; } EngineeringData_temp_shroud_py_tz1 { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Shroud (positive Y), Thermal Zone 1"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_shroud_py_tz1"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_shroud_py_tz1"; } EngineeringData_temp_shroud_py_tz1b { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Shroud (positive Y), Thermal Zone 1B (Backup for TZ1)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_shroud_py_tz1b"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_shroud_py_tz1b"; } EngineeringData_temp_shroud_radiator { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Shroud Radiator"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_shroud_radiator"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_shroud_radiator"; } EngineeringData_temp_spare1 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "DN"; String Description "Temperature of spare temperature sensor"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "temp_spare1"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_spare1"; } EngineeringData_temp_telescope { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Telescope"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_telescope"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_telescope"; } EngineeringData_temp_vchp_afecryo_radiator_mx { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of VCHP Reservoir, AFE/Cryocooler Radiator (minus X)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_vchp_afecryo_radiator_mx"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_vchp_afecryo_radiator_mx"; } EngineeringData_temp_vchp_afecryo_radiator_px { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of VCHP Reservoir, AFE/Cryocooler Radiator (positive X)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_vchp_afecryo_radiator_px"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_vchp_afecryo_radiator_px"; } EngineeringData_temp_vchp_shroud_radiator_mx { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of VCHP Reservoir, Shroud Radiator (positive X)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_vchp_shroud_radiator_mx"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_vchp_shroud_radiator_mx"; } EngineeringData_temp_vchp_shroud_radiator_px { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of VCHP Reservoir, Shroud Radiator (minus X)"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_vchp_shroud_radiator_px"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/temp_vchp_shroud_radiator_px"; } EngineeringData_timeout_error { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Timeout error: 0 - OK, 1 - exceeded maximum allowable time to move to the commanded door position"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "timeout_error"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/timeout_error"; } EngineeringData_vbias_gate_volt { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "VBIASGATE voltage monitor"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "vbias_gate_volt"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/vbias_gate_volt"; } EngineeringData_vbias_pwr_volt { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "VBIASPOWER voltage monitor"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "vbias_pwr_volt"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/vbias_pwr_volt"; } EngineeringData_vdd_volt { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "VDD voltage monitor"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "vdd_volt"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/vdd_volt"; } EngineeringData_volt_10v { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "Positive 10V detector load bias voltage monitor"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "volt_10v"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/volt_10v"; } EngineeringData_volt_n12 { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "Negative 12VDC converter output voltage"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "volt_n12"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/volt_n12"; } EngineeringData_volt_p12 { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "Positive 12VDC converter output voltage"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "volt_p12"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/volt_p12"; } EngineeringData_vpa_volt_n5 { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "Negative 5VDC monitor"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "vpa_volt_n5"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/vpa_volt_n5"; } EngineeringData_vpa_volt_p5 { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "Positive 5VDC monitor"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "vpa_volt_p5"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/vpa_volt_p5"; } EngineeringData_vreset_volt { Float32 Minimum 0.000000000; Float32 Maximum 50.00000000; String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Units "Volts"; String Description "VRESET voltage monitor"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "vreset_volt"; String fullnamepath "/EngineeringData/vreset_volt"; } FrameConfiguration_color_slice_position_o2 { Int16 Minimum 1; Int16 Maximum 1024; String Shape "Frame_O2Slice_Array"; String Description "Absolute spectral position, in pixels, of each color slice in ABO2 band"; String Type "Signed16"; String origname "color_slice_position_o2"; String fullnamepath "/FrameConfiguration/color_slice_position_o2"; } FrameConfiguration_color_slice_position_strong_co2 { Int16 Minimum 1; Int16 Maximum 1024; String Shape "Frame_StrongCO2Slice_Array"; String Description "Absolute spectral position, in pixels, of each color slice in SCO2 band"; String Type "Signed16"; String origname "color_slice_position_strong_co2"; String fullnamepath "/FrameConfiguration/color_slice_position_strong_co2"; } FrameConfiguration_color_slice_position_weak_co2 { Int16 Minimum 1; Int16 Maximum 1024; String Shape "Frame_WeakCO2Slice_Array"; String Description "Absolute spectral position, in pixels, of each color slice in WCO2 band"; String Type "Signed16"; String origname "color_slice_position_weak_co2"; String fullnamepath "/FrameConfiguration/color_slice_position_weak_co2"; } FrameConfiguration_footprint_spatial_end_position { String Description "Position of end of each footprint, in pixels, relative to initial_unused_pixels"; String Type "Unsigned8"; Byte Minimum 1; Byte Maximum 220; String Shape "Frame_SoundingPosition_Spectrum_Array"; String origname "footprint_spatial_end_position"; String fullnamepath "/FrameConfiguration/footprint_spatial_end_position"; } FrameConfiguration_footprint_spatial_start_position { Byte Minimum 1; Byte Maximum 220; String Shape "Frame_SoundingPosition_Spectrum_Array"; String Description "Position of start of each footprint, in pixels, relative to initial_unused_pixels"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "footprint_spatial_start_position"; String fullnamepath "/FrameConfiguration/footprint_spatial_start_position"; } FrameConfiguration_initial_unused_pixels { Int16 Minimum 8; Int16 Maximum 796; String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Description "Distance in pixels of the start of first footprint from edge of FPA"; String Type "Signed16"; String origname "initial_unused_pixels"; String fullnamepath "/FrameConfiguration/initial_unused_pixels"; } FrameFPATemperatures_temp_fpa { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "FPA temperatures extracted for this frame time from the temperature data history"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_fpa"; String fullnamepath "/FrameFPATemperatures/temp_fpa"; } FrameHeader_clocking_offset_interval { UInt16 Minimum 0; UInt16 Maximum 256; String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Description "The number of pixels between each successive pixel shift used to apply a clocking correction"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "clocking_offset_interval"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/clocking_offset_interval"; } FrameHeader_clocking_offset_start { Int16 Minimum -127; Int16 Maximum 127; String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Description "The first pixel where the flight software applies a focal plane clocking correction - negative value indicates the clocking shift operates downward, positive value indicates clocking shift is upward"; String Type "Signed8"; String origname "clocking_offset_start"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/clocking_offset_start"; } FrameHeader_cs_qual_flag { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Bit flags indicating the quality of the color slice data: 0 - Good, non-zero - see documentation"; String Type "IntBitfield8"; String origname "cs_qual_flag"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/cs_qual_flag"; } FrameHeader_diffuser_position { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "The position of the solar diffuser at the beginning of the mode: 0 - Lamp or Closed position, 75 - Open for science, 150 - Solar Calibration position"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "diffuser_position"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/diffuser_position"; } FrameHeader_frame_time_string { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Time of telemetry frame (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmZ)"; String Type "FixLenStr"; String origname "frame_time_string"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/frame_time_string"; } FrameHeader_frame_time_tai93 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Seconds"; String Description "Time of telemetry frame in seconds since Jan 1, 1993"; String Type "Float64"; String origname "frame_time_tai93"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/frame_time_tai93"; } FrameHeader_full_checksum { String Shape "Frame_Sounding_Spectrum_Array"; String Description "Checksum for all science data in frame"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "full_checksum"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/full_checksum"; } FrameHeader_hk_checksum { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Checksum for all housekeeping data in frame"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "hk_checksum"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/hk_checksum"; } FrameHeader_hk_frame_number { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Frame number of the housekeeping frame reporting the engineering data"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "hk_frame_number"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/hk_frame_number"; } FrameHeader_hk_instrument_time { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Milliseconds"; String Description "Time since instrument controller (IC) power up"; String Type "Unsigned32"; String origname "hk_instrument_time"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/hk_instrument_time"; } FrameHeader_hk_saved_frame_number { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Frame number saved at the last Operational command (STANDBY, SINGLE, RESIDUAL, SUMMED)"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "hk_saved_frame_number"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/hk_saved_frame_number"; } FrameHeader_hk_spacecraft_time_gps { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Seconds"; String Description "Last reported spacecraft time in seconds by instrument housekeeping"; String Type "Unsigned32"; String origname "hk_spacecraft_time_gps"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/hk_spacecraft_time_gps"; } FrameHeader_hk_time_checksum { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Checksum of the time bytes in the IHK packet"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "hk_time_checksum"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/hk_time_checksum"; } FrameHeader_spare_ihk_byte20 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Value from byte 20 in the IHK packet header"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "spare_ihk_byte20"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/spare_ihk_byte20"; } FrameHeader_spare_ihk_byte21 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Value from byte 21 in the IHK packet header"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "spare_ihk_byte21"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/spare_ihk_byte21"; } FrameHeader_spectrometer_frame_number { String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Description "Frame number for each spectrometer"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "spectrometer_frame_number"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/spectrometer_frame_number"; } FrameHeader_spectrometer_instrument_time { String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Units "Milliseconds"; String Type "Unsigned32"; String Description "Time since since digital processor (DP) power up as reported in each spectrometer???s optical housekeeping telemetry"; String origname "spectrometer_instrument_time"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/spectrometer_instrument_time"; } FrameHeader_spectrometer_saved_frame_number { String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Description "Frame number saved at the last mode change"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "spectrometer_saved_frame_number"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/spectrometer_saved_frame_number"; } FrameHeader_spectrometer_spacecraft_time_gps { String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Units "Seconds"; String Description "Last reported spacecraft time in seconds as reported in each spectrometer???s optical housekeeping telemetry"; String Type "Unsigned32"; String origname "spectrometer_spacecraft_time_gps"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/spectrometer_spacecraft_time_gps"; } FrameHeader_spectrometer_time_checksum { String Shape "Frame_Sounding_Spectrum_Array"; String Description "Checksum of the time bytes in the OHK packet"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "spectrometer_time_checksum"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/spectrometer_time_checksum"; } FrameHeader_status_flags_ic { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Instrument IC status bit flag"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "status_flags_ic"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/status_flags_ic"; } FrameHeader_status_flags_ihk_byte36 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Instrument status bit flags from the IHK packet, byte 36"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "status_flags_ihk_byte36"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/status_flags_ihk_byte36"; } FrameHeader_status_flags_ihk_byte37 { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "Instrument status bit flags from the IHK packet, byte 37"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "status_flags_ihk_byte37"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/status_flags_ihk_byte37"; } FrameHeader_summed_multiplier { String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Description "The multiplicative term of the pixel summation formula - see documentation"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "summed_multiplier"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/summed_multiplier"; } FrameHeader_summed_offset { String Shape "Frame_Spectrum_Array"; String Description "The offset term of the pixel summation formula - see documentation"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "summed_offset"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/summed_offset"; } FrameSampleMeasurements_color_slice_data_o2 { String Shape "Frame_O2Slice_SpatialRow_Array"; String Units "DN"; String Description "Raw data numbers of the color slices used in the ABO2 band"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "color_slice_data_o2"; String fullnamepath "/FrameSampleMeasurements/color_slice_data_o2"; } FrameSampleMeasurements_color_slice_data_strong_co2 { String Shape "Frame_StrongCO2Slice_SpatialRow_Array"; String Units "DN"; String Description "Raw data numbers of the color slices used in the SCO2 band"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "color_slice_data_strong_co2"; String fullnamepath "/FrameSampleMeasurements/color_slice_data_strong_co2"; } FrameSampleMeasurements_color_slice_data_weak_co2 { String Shape "Frame_WeakCO2Slice_SpatialRow_Array"; String Units "DN"; String Description "Raw data numbers of the color slices used in the WCO2 band"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "color_slice_data_weak_co2"; String fullnamepath "/FrameSampleMeasurements/color_slice_data_weak_co2"; } FrameSampleMeasurements_footprint_o2_qual_flag { String Shape "Frame_Sounding_Array"; String Description "Bit flags indicating the quality of the ABO2 data in footprint: 0 - Good, non-zero - see documentation"; String Type "IntBitfield16"; String origname "footprint_o2_qual_flag"; String fullnamepath "/FrameSampleMeasurements/footprint_o2_qual_flag"; } FrameSampleMeasurements_footprint_strong_co2_qual_flag { String Shape "Frame_Sounding_Array"; String Description "Bit flags indicating the quality of the SCO2 data in footprint: 0 - Good, non-zero - see documentation"; String Type "IntBitfield16"; String origname "footprint_strong_co2_qual_flag"; String fullnamepath "/FrameSampleMeasurements/footprint_strong_co2_qual_flag"; } FrameSampleMeasurements_footprint_time_string { String Shape "Frame_Sounding_Spectrum_Array"; String Description "Data acquisition time for the center of footprint (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmZ)"; String Type "FixLenStr"; String origname "footprint_time_string"; String fullnamepath "/FrameSampleMeasurements/footprint_time_string"; } FrameSampleMeasurements_footprint_time_tai93 { String Shape "Frame_Sounding_Spectrum_Array"; String Units "Seconds"; String Description "Data acquisition time for the center of footprint in seconds since Jan. 1, 1993"; String Type "Float64"; String origname "footprint_time_tai93"; String fullnamepath "/FrameSampleMeasurements/footprint_time_tai93"; } FrameSampleMeasurements_footprint_weak_co2_qual_flag { String Shape "Frame_Sounding_Array"; String Description "Bit flags indicating the quality of the WCO2 data in footprint: 0 - Good, non-zero - see documentation"; String Type "IntBitfield16"; String origname "footprint_weak_co2_qual_flag"; String fullnamepath "/FrameSampleMeasurements/footprint_weak_co2_qual_flag"; } FrameSampleMeasurements_sample_measurements_o2 { String Shape "Frame_Sounding_FPAColor_Array"; String Units "DN"; String Description "Raw data numbers of the ABO2 spectrum"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "sample_measurements_o2"; String fullnamepath "/FrameSampleMeasurements/sample_measurements_o2"; } FrameSampleMeasurements_sample_measurements_strong_co2 { String Shape "Frame_Sounding_FPAColor_Array"; String Units "DN"; String Description "Raw data numbers of the SCO2 spectrum"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "sample_measurements_strong_co2"; String fullnamepath "/FrameSampleMeasurements/sample_measurements_strong_co2"; } FrameSampleMeasurements_sample_measurements_weak_co2 { String Shape "Frame_Sounding_FPAColor_Array"; String Units "DN"; String Description "Raw data numbers of the WCO2 spectrum"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "sample_measurements_weak_co2"; String fullnamepath "/FrameSampleMeasurements/sample_measurements_weak_co2"; } Metadata_AcquisitionMode { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The instrument mode in which the data in the product were collected. Valid values are: 'Glint', 'Nadir', 'Target', 'Sample Dark Calibration', 'Sample Lamp Calibration', 'Sample Solar/limb Calibration', 'Single-Pixel Dark Calibration', 'Single-Pixel Lamp Calibration', 'Single-Pixel Solar/limb Calibration'"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "AcquisitionMode"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/AcquisitionMode"; } Metadata_ActualFrames { Int32 Minimum 0; Int32 Maximum 17798; String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "Actual number of frames reported in this product"; String Type "Signed32"; String origname "ActualFrames"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/ActualFrames"; } Metadata_AllowedIHKGap { String Shape "Scalar"; String Units "Seconds"; String Description "The maximum time allowed for finding valid IHK data to associate with each frame of science data"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "AllowedIHKGap"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/AllowedIHKGap"; } Metadata_AncillaryDataDescriptors { String Shape "AncFile_Array"; String Description "The file names of the ancillary data files that were used to generate this product (ancillary data sets include all input files except for the primary input files)"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "AncillaryDataDescriptors"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/AncillaryDataDescriptors"; } Metadata_BadPixelMapChecksum { String Shape "Spectrum_Array"; String Description "Checksum of corresponding Bad Pixel Map"; String Type "Unsigned16"; String origname "BadPixelMapChecksum"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/BadPixelMapChecksum"; } Metadata_BadPixelMapVersionNum { String Shape "Spectrum_Array"; String Description "Version number of corresponding Bad Pixel Map used to calibrate this data file"; String Type "Unsigned32"; String origname "BadPixelMapVersionNum"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/BadPixelMapVersionNum"; } Metadata_BuildId { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The ID of build in which included the software that created this product"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "BuildId"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/BuildId"; } Metadata_CollectionLabel { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "Label of the data collection containing this product"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "CollectionLabel"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/CollectionLabel"; } Metadata_DataFormatType { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "'NCSA HDF' - A character string that describes the internal format of the data product."; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "DataFormatType"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/DataFormatType"; } Metadata_ExpectedFrames { Int32 Minimum 0; Int32 Maximum 17798; String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "Nominal number of frames in this product"; String Type "Signed32"; String origname "ExpectedFrames"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/ExpectedFrames"; } Metadata_FPAScanOption { String Shape "Spectrum_Array"; String Description "Bit field indicating the scan option used and the row separation, if used"; String Type "IntBitfield8"; String origname "FPAScanOption"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/FPAScanOption"; } Metadata_GapStartTime { String Shape "Gap_Array"; String Description "The timestamp after which a nonexistent, unnecessary, spurious, questionable, or erroneous data segment begins"; String Type "FixLenStr"; String origname "GapStartTime"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/GapStartTime"; } Metadata_GapStopTime { String Shape "Gap_Array"; String Description "The timestamp before which indicates where a nonexistent, unnecessary, spurious, questionable, or erroneous data segment ends"; String Type "FixLenStr"; String origname "GapStopTime"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/GapStopTime"; } Metadata_GranulePointer { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The filename of this product"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "GranulePointer"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/GranulePointer"; } Metadata_HDFVersionId { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "'5.x' - A character string that identifies the version of the HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) software that was used to generate this data file"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "HDFVersionId"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/HDFVersionId"; } Metadata_InputPointer { String Shape "InputPtr_Array"; String Description "A pointer to one or more data granules that provide the major input that was used to generate this product."; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "InputPointer"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/InputPointer"; } Metadata_InstrumentShortName { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "'OCO-2' - The name of the instrument that collected the telemetry data"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "InstrumentShortName"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/InstrumentShortName"; } Metadata_L1AAlgorithmDescriptor { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "Identification of the algorithm and version used to generate this product"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "L1AAlgorithmDescriptor"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/L1AAlgorithmDescriptor"; } Metadata_LongName { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "A complete descriptive name for the data type of this product"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "LongName"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/LongName"; } Metadata_ModeCounter { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The Nth occurrence of this particular mode for this orbit, indicated by letter ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', etc.)"; String Type "FixLenStr"; String origname "ModeCounter"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/ModeCounter"; } Metadata_ModeFlagSpare { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "Not used - value 0"; String Type "Unsigned8"; String origname "ModeFlagSpare"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/ModeFlagSpare"; } Metadata_OperationMode { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The two-letter abbreviation of the AcquisitionMode: GL, ND, TG, DS, LS, SS, BS, NP, GP, TP, DP, LP, SP, BP, XS, XP, MS, MP, SB"; String Type "FixLenStr"; String origname "OperationMode"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/OperationMode"; } Metadata_PlatformLongName { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "'Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2'"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "PlatformLongName"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/PlatformLongName"; } Metadata_PlatformShortName { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "'OCO-2'"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "PlatformShortName"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/PlatformShortName"; } Metadata_PlatformType { String Shape "Scalar"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String Description "'spacecraft' - The type of platform associated with the instrument which acquires the accompanying data"; String origname "PlatformType"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/PlatformType"; } Metadata_ProcessingLevel { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "Indicates data level (Level 0, Level 1A, Level 1B, Level 2) in this product"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "ProcessingLevel"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/ProcessingLevel"; } Metadata_ProducerAgency { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "'NASA' - Identification of the agency that provides the project funding"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "ProducerAgency"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/ProducerAgency"; } Metadata_ProducerInstitution { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "'JPL' - Identification of the institution that provides project management."; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "ProducerInstitution"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/ProducerInstitution"; } Metadata_ProductionDateTime { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The date and time at which the product was created (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmZ)"; String Type "FixLenStr"; String origname "ProductionDateTime"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/ProductionDateTime"; } Metadata_ProductionLocation { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "Facility in which this file was produced, typically: 'Operations Pipeline', 'Operations Pipeline 2', 'Science Computing Facility', 'Test Pipeline', 'Test Pipeline 2"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "ProductionLocation"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/ProductionLocation"; } Metadata_ProductionLocationCode { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "One-letter code indicating the ProductionLocation, typically: ' ' - Operations Pipelines (1) or 2, 's' - Science Computing Facility, 't' - Test Pipelines (1) or 2"; String Type "FixLenStr"; String origname "ProductionLocationCode"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/ProductionLocationCode"; } Metadata_ProjectId { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "'OCO-2' - The project identification string"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "ProjectId"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/ProjectId"; } Metadata_QAGranulePointer { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "A pointer to the quality assessment product that was generated with this product"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "QAGranulePointer"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/QAGranulePointer"; } Metadata_RangeBeginningDate { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The date on which the earliest data contained in the product were acquired (yyyy-mm-dd)"; String Type "FixLenStr"; String origname "RangeBeginningDate"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/RangeBeginningDate"; } Metadata_RangeBeginningTime { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The time at which the earliest data contained in the product were acquired (hh:mm:ss.mmmZ)"; String Type "FixLenStr"; String origname "RangeBeginningTime"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/RangeBeginningTime"; } Metadata_RangeEndingDate { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The date on which the latest data contained in the product were acquired (yyyy-mm-dd)"; String Type "FixLenStr"; String origname "RangeEndingDate"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/RangeEndingDate"; } Metadata_RangeEndingTime { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The time at which the latest data contained in the product were acquired (hh:mm:ss.mmmZ)"; String Type "FixLenStr"; String origname "RangeEndingTime"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/RangeEndingTime"; } Metadata_ReportedSoundings { String Shape "SoundingPosition_Array"; String Description "Indicates the inclusion of each footprint in the data: 0 - not included, 1 - included"; String Type "Signed8"; String origname "ReportedSoundings"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/ReportedSoundings"; } Metadata_SISName { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The name of the document describing the contents of the product"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "SISName"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/SISName"; } Metadata_SISVersion { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The version of the document describing the contents of the product"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "SISVersion"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/SISVersion"; } Metadata_ShortName { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The short name identifying the data type of this product"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "ShortName"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/ShortName"; } Metadata_SizeMBECSDataGranule { String Shape "Scalar"; String Units "Megabytes"; String Description "The size of this data granule in Megabytes"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "SizeMBECSDataGranule"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/SizeMBECSDataGranule"; } Metadata_SpectralChannel { String Shape "Spectrum_Array"; String Description "A description of the spectral channels used for the measurements"; String Type "VarLenStr"; String origname "SpectralChannel"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/SpectralChannel"; } Metadata_StartOrbitNumber { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The first orbit on which data contained in the product were acquired"; String Type "Signed32"; String origname "StartOrbitNumber"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/StartOrbitNumber"; } Metadata_StartPathNumber { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The first WRS path on which data contained in the product was collected"; String Type "Signed32"; String origname "StartPathNumber"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/StartPathNumber"; } Metadata_StopOrbitNumber { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The last orbit on which data contained in the product were acquired"; String Type "Signed32"; String origname "StopOrbitNumber"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/StopOrbitNumber"; } Metadata_StopPathNumber { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The last WRS path on which data contained in the product was collected"; String Type "Signed32"; String origname "StopPathNumber"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/StopPathNumber"; } Metadata_TelemetryMode { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "Value of the Mode Flag with bits reflecting the commanded state of the instrument"; String Type "IntBitfield16"; String origname "TelemetryMode"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/TelemetryMode"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_afe_cryocooler_tz2 { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of AFE/Cryocooler, Thermal Zone 2 after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_afe_cryocooler_tz2"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_afe_cryocooler_tz2"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_afe_cryocooler_tz2b { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of AFE/Cryocooler, Thermal Zone 2B (Backup for TZ2) after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_afe_cryocooler_tz2b"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_afe_cryocooler_tz2b"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_afe_electronics_enclosure { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of AFE Electronics Enclosure after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_afe_electronics_enclosure"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_afe_electronics_enclosure"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_baffle_flange { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Baffle Flange after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_baffle_flange"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_baffle_flange"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_cal_door_motor_tz4 { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Calibration Door Motor, Thermal Zone 4 after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_cal_door_motor_tz4"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_cal_door_motor_tz4"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_cal_door_redundant { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of redundant sensor for the Calibration Door Motor, Thermal Zone 4B (Backup for TZ4) after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_cal_door_redundant"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_cal_door_redundant"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_cryocooler_radiator { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Cryocooler radiator after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_cryocooler_radiator"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_cryocooler_radiator"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_fpa_aband_tz5 { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of FPA ABO2, Thermal Zone 5 after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_fpa_aband_tz5"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_fpa_aband_tz5"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_fpa_aband_tz5b { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of FPA ABO2, Thermal Zone 5B (Backup for TZ5) after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_fpa_aband_tz5b"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_fpa_aband_tz5b"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_fpa_o2 { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "ABO2 FPA temperature after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_fpa_o2"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_fpa_o2"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_fpa_strong_co2 { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "SCO2 FPA temperature after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_fpa_strong_co2"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_fpa_strong_co2"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_fpa_weak_co2 { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "WCO2 FPA temperature after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_fpa_weak_co2"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_fpa_weak_co2"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_instrument_deck { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Instrument Deck (positive X-positive Y surface) after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_instrument_deck"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_instrument_deck"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_optical_bench_grating_mz { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Optical Bench Grating (minus Z) after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_optical_bench_grating_mz"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_optical_bench_grating_mz"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_optical_bench_grating_pz { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Optical Bench Grating (positive Z) after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_optical_bench_grating_pz"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_optical_bench_grating_pz"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_optical_bench_mount_my { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Optical Bench Mount (minus Y) after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_optical_bench_mount_my"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_optical_bench_mount_my"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_optical_bench_mount_my_tz3 { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Optical Bench Mount (minus Y), Thermal Zone 3 after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_optical_bench_mount_my_tz3"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_optical_bench_mount_my_tz3"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_optical_bench_mount_px { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Optical Bench Mount (positive X) after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_optical_bench_mount_px"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_optical_bench_mount_px"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_recollimator { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Recollimator after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_recollimator"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_recollimator"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_relay_sco2_mz { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Relay SCO2 (minus Z) after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_relay_sco2_mz"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_relay_sco2_mz"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_relay_sco2_pz { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Relay SCO2 (positive Z) after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_relay_sco2_pz"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_relay_sco2_pz"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_rem_bottom { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of REM Bottom after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_rem_bottom"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_rem_bottom"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_rem_top { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of REM Top after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_rem_top"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_rem_top"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_shroud_mx_tz6 { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Shroud (minus X), Thermal Zone 6 after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_shroud_mx_tz6"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_shroud_mx_tz6"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_shroud_my_pz { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Shroud (minus Y-positve Z) after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_shroud_my_pz"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_shroud_my_pz"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_shroud_py_mz { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Shroud (positive Y-minus Z) after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_shroud_py_mz"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_shroud_py_mz"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_shroud_py_tz1 { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Shroud (positive Y), Thermal Zone 1 after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_shroud_py_tz1"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_shroud_py_tz1"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_shroud_py_tz1b { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Shroud (positive Y), Thermal Zone 1B (Backup for TZ1) after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_shroud_py_tz1b"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_shroud_py_tz1b"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_shroud_radiator { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Shroud Radiator after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_shroud_radiator"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_shroud_radiator"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_telescope { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of Telescope after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_telescope"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_telescope"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_vchp_afecryo_radiator_mx { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of VCHP Reservoir, AFE/Cryocooler Radiator (minus X) after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_vchp_afecryo_radiator_mx"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_vchp_afecryo_radiator_mx"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_vchp_afecryo_radiator_px { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of VCHP Reservoir, AFE/Cryocooler Radiator (positive X) after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_vchp_afecryo_radiator_px"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_vchp_afecryo_radiator_px"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_vchp_shroud_radiator_mx { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of VCHP Reservoir, Shroud Radiator (positive X) after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_vchp_shroud_radiator_mx"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_vchp_shroud_radiator_mx"; } SmoothedTemps_temp_smooth_vchp_shroud_radiator_px { Float32 Minimum -200.0000000; Float32 Maximum 200.0000000; String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Units "Degrees Celsius"; String Description "Temperature of VCHP Reservoir, Shroud Radiator (minus X) after noise-reduction processing"; String Type "Float32"; String origname "temp_smooth_vchp_shroud_radiator_px"; String fullnamepath "/SmoothedTemps/temp_smooth_vchp_shroud_radiator_px"; } FrameHeader_frame_id_Time { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "The mission-unique frame identifier"; String Type "Signed32"; String origname "frame_id_Time"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/frame_id"; } FrameHeader_frame_id_Date { String Shape "Frame_Array"; String Description "The mission-unique frame identifier"; String Type "Signed32"; String origname "frame_id_Date"; String fullnamepath "/FrameHeader/frame_id"; } FrameSampleMeasurements_sounding_id_Time { String Shape "Frame_Sounding_Array"; String Description "Unique identifier for each sounding"; String Type "Signed32"; String origname "sounding_id_Time"; String fullnamepath "/FrameSampleMeasurements/sounding_id"; } FrameSampleMeasurements_sounding_id_Date { String Shape "Frame_Sounding_Array"; String Description "Unique identifier for each sounding"; String Type "Signed32"; String origname "sounding_id_Date"; String fullnamepath "/FrameSampleMeasurements/sounding_id"; } Metadata_FirstSoundingId_Time { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The ID of the first sounding in this file"; String Type "Signed32"; String origname "FirstSoundingId_Time"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/FirstSoundingId"; } Metadata_FirstSoundingId_Date { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The ID of the first sounding in this file"; String Type "Signed32"; String origname "FirstSoundingId_Date"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/FirstSoundingId"; } Metadata_LastSoundingId_Time { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The ID of the last sounding in this file"; String Type "Signed32"; String origname "LastSoundingId_Time"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/LastSoundingId"; } Metadata_LastSoundingId_Date { String Shape "Scalar"; String Description "The ID of the last sounding in this file"; String Type "Signed32"; String origname "LastSoundingId_Date"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/LastSoundingId"; } }